Public offer agreement for THEROS brand

This Public Offer is valid until the new edition of the offer is accepted.


“Offer” - this document, which is a public offer of the Seller, addressed to any individual/legal entity, to conclude a retail purchase and sale agreement for Goods (hereinafter also referred to as the Agreement) on the terms contained in the Offer, including all its annexes.
“Seller” is individual entrepreneur ANASTASIIA OSINTSEVA, who sells men’s ans women's clothing and accessories remotely through the online store
“Buyer” is a legal entity or individual who has reached the age of 18, purchasing Goods solely for personal needs not related to business activities, who has accepted the terms of the offer in full and without exception (who has accepted the offer).
“Acceptance” - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Offer. Acceptance is the execution by the Buyer of an Order for the Product offered by the Seller. Placing an Order means acceptance (consent) of the Buyer with the terms of this Offer.
“Product” - a product, the assortment list of which is presented on the Seller’s Website.
“Site” is a collection of electronic data available for viewing by Buyers on the Internet in the domain.
“Order” is the Buyer’s intention to purchase a Product specified by him, expressed by the Buyer filling out an electronic form presented on the Seller’s Website, either orally, by calling the phone number indicated on the Website, or through other social networks and instant messengers presented on the Seller’s website.
“Online store” is a publicly accessible resource owned by the Seller, posted on the Internet on the Site, containing information about the range of goods, price, conditions of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer.

1. General Provisions

1.1. These terms of use of the THE ROS site (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are an official, public and irrevocable offer by individual entrepreneur ANASTASIIA OSINTSEVA to conclude with any Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the User) browsing the (hereinafter referred to as the Site), agreement on the use of the site.
The fact that the User of the Site provides his personal data to the Company through the forms located on the site is a free and conscious expression of consent to these rules, including the provisions regarding the processing of personal data.
The Rules become legally binding for the Company and the User from the moment the User registers on the Site, or provides his personal data in another form. From this moment, compliance with the terms of these Rules is mandatory for the User and is necessary for the User to use the materials and services of the Site.
These Rules come into force from the moment the Rules are posted on the Site and apply to all information posted on the Site on the Internet. If the User disagrees with these Rules, the User is obliged to stop using the site.
These Rules may be changed by the Company unilaterally. The new version of the Rules comes into force from the moment it is posted on this site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Rules. The User of the Site undertakes to independently monitor these changes and decide on the possibility of further use of the Site. If the User disagrees with the changes made to the Rules, the User is obliged to stop using the Site.
The Company has the right to notify Users of changes if such changes relate to the conditions for processing the user's personal data, as defined in the “Personal data” section of these Rules.

2. Subject of the offer agreement

2.1. The Seller undertakes to sell the Goods into the Buyer's ownership, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods provided by the Seller at the prices indicated on the Seller's Website on the date of placing the Order, under the terms of this Offer.
2.2. The Seller has the right to change the price of the goods and the terms of this Offer without prior agreement with the Buyer, while ensuring that the changed terms are published on the Site at least one day before they come into force.
2.3. For Orders placed before the entry into force of the new terms of the Offer, the terms of the Offer that were in effect at the time of the Order are applied.

3. Product Characteristics

3.1. Due to the fact that some of the products presented on the Site are made by hand, minor errors in the structure, color and sizing of the product are allowed.
3.2. The color of the product may differ slightly from the items presented on the Site. Minor errors in product measurements of a few centimeters are allowed. For some items, slight deviations from the ideal and usual forms are allowed; this is due to the uniqueness of execution and individual tailoring.

4. Product Price

4.1. The range and price of goods are publicly available on the Seller’s Website.
4.2. Tariffs for the provision of services for the delivery of Goods are indicated on the Site in the “Delivery” section.
4.3. The total amount of the Order, including paid delivery, is indicated in the “Basket” section in the “Total” line.
4.4. The price of the Product indicated on the Site may be changed by the online store unilaterally, but the price of the Product paid by the Buyer cannot be changed.

5. Placing an Order

5.1. The Order of the Goods is carried out by the Buyer in one of the following ways:
- independently through the payment system on the Seller’s Website,
- through social networks indicated on the Seller’s Website,
- through messengers indicated on the seller’s website,
- by contacting the Seller’s contact phone number listed on the Site.
5.2. When placing an Order, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following information:
- name of the selected Product,
- quantity of the selected Product,
- Buyer's name,
- E-mail address,
- contact number,
- actual delivery address of the Goods,
- desired delivery date and time for courier delivery in Moscow.

6. Payment for the Goods

6.1. When paying in cash through the payment system on the Seller’s Website, the Buyer is obliged to pay the price of the Goods at the time of making the purchase, and the Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a cash receipt or sales receipt, or other document in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation confirming payment for the Goods.

6.2. In case of non-cash payment, the Buyer’s obligation to
payment of the price of the Goods is considered completed from the moment the corresponding funds in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the advance payment are credited to the Seller’s bank account according to the details specified in clause 13 of this Offer.
6.3. The Goods are supplied to the Buyer at the prices, name, quantity specified in the Order, paid by the Buyer.

7. Delivery of the Goods and receipt of the Order

7.1. Delivery of the Goods to the Buyer is carried out at the address and within the time limits agreed upon by the Buyer and the Seller when placing the Order.
7.2. All options and cost of delivery of the Product are indicated on the website in the “Delivery” section.
7.3. The absence of the Buyer or non-acceptance of the Goods may be considered by the Seller as the Buyer’s refusal to fulfill obligations. If the Buyer refuses the Order at the time of delivery, the Buyer shall pay the Seller's expenses for delivery of the Order in the amount indicated on the receipt.
7.4. In accordance with clause 25 of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2007 N 612 “On approval of the Rules for the sale of goods by remote means”, if the delivery of the Goods is made within the established time frame, but the Goods were not transferred to the Buyer due to his fault, subsequent delivery is made to new terms agreed with the Seller, after the Buyer re-pays the cost of services for the delivery of the Goods.
7.5. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over directly to the Buyer or to another person specified by the Buyer.
7.6. Upon delivery of the Order, the Seller, in order to prevent cases of fraud (in case of non-cash payment for the Goods), has the right to require the information specified when Ordering the Goods.
7.7. Upon delivery of the Goods, the Buyer checks the integrity of the outer packaging of the Goods and, upon acceptance, confirms that there are no complaints about the appearance and integrity of the packaging.
7.8. Ownership of the Goods, as well as the risk of its accidental loss or damage, passes to the Buyer from the moment the Goods are handed over personally.
7.9. The execution time of the Order depends on the availability of the Goods at the Seller’s warehouse. The execution time for the Order can be negotiated with the Buyer individually depending on the characteristics and quantity of the ordered Product. If part of the Order is not in the Seller’s warehouse, including for reasons beyond the latter’s control, the Seller has the right to cancel the specified Product from the Buyer’s Order, having previously notified the Buyer.

8. Rights and obligations of the parties

8.1. The seller undertakes:
8.1.1. Not to disclose any private information of the Buyer and not to provide access to this information to third parties, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.1.2. Provide the Buyer with the opportunity to receive electronic consultations at the addresses indicated on the Site. The scope of consultations is limited to specific issues related to the execution of the Order.
8.1.3. The Seller reserves the right to change the terms of the Offer unilaterally until its conclusion.
8.1.4. The Seller has the right not to deliver Goods for which it has not received funds in full.
8.2. The buyer undertakes:
8.2.1. Before placing an Order, familiarize yourself with the contents of the Offer on the Site.
8.2.2. Provide reliable information about yourself (name, contact numbers, email address) and address for delivery of the Goods.
8.2.3. Accept and pay for the Goods within the specified time frame.

9. Responsibility of the parties and resolution of disputes

9.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the obligations provided for in this Offer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.2. If the Buyer provides false information about his contact details, the Seller is not responsible for improper execution of the Order.
9.3. The Seller is not responsible if the Buyer's expectations about the consumer properties of the Product were not justified.
9.4. The Seller is not responsible for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations to deliver the Goods if they are the result of force majeure.
9.5. All disputes and disagreements arising when the parties fulfill the obligations specified in the Offer are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to eliminate them, the parties have the right to seek judicial protection of their interests at the location of the Seller.
9.6. In the event of a systematic refusal by the Buyer to receive previously ordered Goods, which amounts to an abuse of right, the Seller has the right to refuse to deliver the next Order to the Buyer.

10. Return and exchange of goods

10.1. The Buyer's request for an exchange or return of the Product shall be satisfied if the Product has not been used, its consumer properties have been preserved, the packaging has been preserved and not damaged, and documents confirming the purchase of this Product in the online store have been preserved.
10.2. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2007 N 612 “On approval of the Rules for the sale of Goods remotely”, the Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods at any time before receipt, and after transfer of the goods - within 14 days.
10.3. In accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the amount paid by the Buyer for Goods of inadequate quality must be returned to the Buyer within 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of presentation of the corresponding demand.
10.4. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2007 N 612 “On approval of the Rules for the sale of Goods by remote means”, if the buyer refuses the goods, the seller must return to him the amount paid by the buyer in accordance with the agreement no later than 10 days from the date presentation by the buyer of the corresponding requirement.
10.5. The Buyer is not required to compensate the Seller for transportation costs incurred in connection with arranging the exchange or return of the Goods, if there are no defects in the Goods.
10.6. When returning the payment amount paid by the Buyer by bank transfer to pay for the Goods, the commission paid by the Buyer will not be compensated by the Seller.
10.7. Products with obvious defects are subject to return at the Seller's expense.
10.8. To return funds to a bank card, you must fill out the “Application for
refund of funds", which is sent at the request of the organization to
email address and send it along with a copy of your passport to the address
10.9. To return funds for transactions carried out with errors, you must
submit a written application and attach a copy of your passport and checks/receipts,
confirming the erroneous write-off. This application must be sent to
10.10. When paying by credit card, cash refunds are not allowed. Order
returns are governed by the rules of international payment systems.
10.11. Period for consideration of the Application and return
funds begin to be calculated from the moment the Company receives the Application and
calculated in working days excluding holidays/weekends.
10.12. The conditions and procedure for returning the Goods not specified in this Offer are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.13. In case of damage to the integrity of the packaging of the Goods and damage to the Goods themselves during transportation, the organization carrying out the delivery bears responsibility.
10.14. In case of proven guilt of the transport company for damage to the Goods and/or packaging, the Buyer is entitled to compensation at the expense of the transport company. The amount of compensation is determined individually.

11. Force majeure

11.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement for the duration of force majeure. Force majeure means extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances under given conditions that prevent the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement. These include natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, states of emergency, major strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of government bodies (transport bans, currency restrictions, international sanctions trade ban, etc.). During this time, the Parties have no mutual claims, and each Party assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure.

12. Duration of the contract

12.1. This offer comes into force from the moment the Order is placed and ends upon full fulfillment of obligations by the Parties.

13. Online store details

© 2023 Individual Entrepreneur ANASTASIIA OSINTSEVA
IN: 250801511244
Legal address: Moscow, Likhacheva avenue 12b1